Digging In
Fall Open House
Saturday, September 19th, 2020 was our First Annual Fall Open House. We had sales on shrubs and trees as well as a Scarecrow making tutorial and all of the pumpkins and decorative squash you can imagine! From now up until Halloween stop in and visit us in Adel, Iowa!
Trimming Your Hanging Flower Pots & Planters
Don’t toss out shabby looking hanging baskets keep them going with these 2 simple steps. In midsummer, our potted flowers can start to look a bit beat up. Today we’ll talk about ways to keep them looking fresh and feeling happy!
Carrot Tricks and Tips
If you’ve ever planted carrots you know how challenging they can be to sow. Carrot seeds are teeny-tiny, so they are hard to space out correctly which leads to lots of thinning and using up your seeds faster than you need to. A few years ago Burpee came out with Carrot Tape, which is a great product that makes planting and growing your carrots easier. We wanted to see if we could recreate that with household items to save a little money and get out to the garden faster!
Time to Till!
We have had a lot of customers out to Harvey’s this spring who are planting their first garden, so we wanted to put together some of the basics for you. There are many different ways to start out but today we are going to focus on preparation by tilling. Before we can start tilling though it’s best to ask: What kind of soil are you working with?